Tuesday, December 20, 2011

boo. hiss.

sooooo i recently found out that betsy b. originals had her mackenzie-child production rights yanked out from under her once the company was sold to new owners. i have been slowly stashing away the collection for my future mackenzie-child-themed needlepoint christmas tree. ugh. imagine my horror when i discovered the horrible news and now i'm dashing around like a mad woman trying to make sure i have all the ornaments! i think i have located all of them except this one.

Betsy B. Originals MacKenzie-Childs

if anyone knows of this little guy's existence out there in the canvas world, i would love to give him a home!


  1. Saw it on Chilly Hollow's blog. Will keep an eye out for it. Good luck!

  2. www.homesteadneedlearts.com is having a garage sale next week. You may want to email her a picture in case it shows up as one of the garage sale canvases.

  3. You might also want to check PFOS in TX. They are one of the last ones I know to have a Betsy B trunk show that had MC ornaments. Maybe they kept a few behind for stock.
